Saturday, February 28, 2009

Week 9 Project Progress

Meeting : 26th February 2008 (Thursday), 8.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m

The meeting was held in front of BPA office which was discussing about the project development progress until week 10. This meeting have discussed about deligates the task to everyone about the final report of the software project development.

Everyone have their own task for each part of the final report.All the team members have agree that the report should contains of :

1) The project management approach

2) Software Development Activities (SDLC)

3) Example of the Contract Draft sign by both parties (SO & SC)

Phase 1 Development Finished : 20% of full payment
Phase 2 Development Finished : 40% of full payment
Phase 3 Development Finished : 100% of full payment

4)User manual (User Interface module)

5) Progress on blogs need to be convert into .doc format ( so include in the final report)

6) Paper on each minute meeting done ( 10 Minute meetings = 10 weeks)

All the above task given which have been finish, will be bring forward to the next meeting on week 10 for final checking.


Company : Pavilion Wonderland

Date : 26 February 2009

Time : 8.30 pm – 9.30 pm

Venue : in front of BPA Office

Attendees :

1. Phang Shiuh Yaw General Manager

2. Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad Secretary

3. Noor Erfia Farina Binti Dajali Academic Manager

4. Zairie Bin Mat Zain Academic Manager

5. Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Nor IT Manager

6. Mohd Islahuddin bin Mohd Shahrir IT Manager

7. Wan Muhammad Izran bin Wan Muhammad Said Human Resource Manager


  1. Delegates the task to everyone about the final report of the software project development.
  2. General (other) discussion

1. Delegates the task

For this part, each members of the group has been assign it own task. The task has been divided into six (6) parts which is:

i. The project management approach

ii. Software Development Activities (SDLC)

iii. Example of the Contract Draft sign by both parties (SO & SC)
Phase 1 Development Finished : 20% of full payment
Phase 2 Development Finished : 40% of full payment
Phase 3 Development Finished : 100% of full payment

iv. User manual (User Interface module)

v. Progress on blogs need to be convert into .doc format ( so include in the final report)

vi. Paper on each minute meeting done ( 10 Minute meetings = 10 weeks)

2. Other Issues

The others issues that has been discuss was:

  1. Any difficulties during doing the task
  2. Any moral excellence, virtuousness of the members are discussed

All the above task given which have been finish, will be bring forward to the next meeting on week 10 for final checking

Meeting was adjourned at 9.30 pm. Next meeting is scheduled a week from now, i.e. 1 March 2009, same venue or not and time will be telling later. All members’ actions are to present their feedback.

Minutes prepared by: Check by:

………………………… ………………………………

( Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad) (Phang Shiuh Yaw)

Secretary General Manager

Kindly to leave a comments.

Posted by Pavilion Sdn. Bhd

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 8 Project Progress

Meeting : 18 th February 2008 (Wednesday), 9.00 p.m. - 10.00 p.m

The meeting was held in front of BPA office which was discussing about the project development progress until week 8. Everyone did mention their own part task progress and still working on it.Besides that, we also discussing about the input to be present in front of the lecturer during the group meeting slot which is on Thursday, 11.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.

The project manager give a clear view about what will be ask tommorow meeting.He also do remind all the group members about the main objectives and requirements of the project which is under development progress (Executing Phase). All the system development
should not deviates from it's original (user/client) objectives and requirements which was stated in the proposal and draft contract signed by both parties, Pavillion Sdn Bhd - 6 Centuries Sdn Bhd.

Moreover, some documentation's input for the project progress also has been disscused and yet to be compile by the Pavilion Sdn Bhd's secretary. The secretary then will distribute the documentation to the team members as a final checking before the presentation session begin.


Company : Pavilion Wonderland Sdn.Bhd

Date : 4 January 2009

Time : 9.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Venue : in front of BPA Office

Attendees :

1. Phang Shiuh Yaw General Manager

2. Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad Secretary

3. Noor Erfia Farina Binti Dajali Academic Manager

4. Zairie Bin Mat Zain Academic Manager

5. Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Nor IT Manager

6. Mohd Islahuddin bin Mohd Shahrir IT Manager

7. Wan Muhammad Izran bin Wan Muhammad Said Human Resource Manager

8. Anis Amilah Binti Shari Human Resource Manager


  1. Task progress reporting
  2. Input to present
  3. Other Topic

1. Task Progress Reporting

Everyone did mention their own part task progress and still working on it. Any difficulties that occur during the progress will be share among the group member and each member will help others to complete their task. The leader will show his leadership skill to help each group members.

2. Input to Present

The discussion about the input to be present in front of the lecturer during the group meeting slot which is on Thursday, 11.00 a.m. to 11.30 am. The project manager give a clear view about what will be ask tomorrow meeting. He also does remind all the group members about the main objectives and requirements of the project which is under development progress (Executing Phase). All the system development should not deviates from its original (user/client) objectives and a requirement which was stated in the proposal and draft contract signed by both parties, Pavillion Sdn Bhd - 6 Centuries Sdn Bhd.

3. Other Topic

Some documentation's input for the project progress also has been discussed and yet to be compiling by the Pavilion Sdn Bhd's secretary. The secretary then will distribute the documentation to the team members as a final checking before the presentation sessions begin.

All the above task given which have been finish, will be bring forward to the next meeting on week 10 for final checking

Meeting was adjourned at 9.30 pm. Next meeting is scheduled a week from now, i.e. 26 February 2009, same venue and time. All members’ actions are to present their feedback.

Minutes prepared by: Check by:

………………………… ………………………………

( Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad) (Phang Shiuh Yaw)

Secretary General Manager

Kindly to leave a comments.

Posted by Pavilion Sdn. Bhd.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 7 Project Progress


Meeting : 11 th February 2008 (Wednesday), 10.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m

The meeting was discussing about the project development progress until week 7. Everyone did mention their own part task progress and still working on it.

Besides that, we also discussed about the duration for activities to be done in a project duration given, hence we did brainstrom the idea and information and then implemented it in the
gantt chart form using microsoft project software.

Here are some information regarding the activities occurs inside the gantt chart diagram:


This project requires 70 days starting from 4/1/2009 until 31/3/2009 to finished up and complete the project development. In addition, there are 5 stages implemented in this project which are as below:


· At this stage, we do a current study and identify the system requirement and decide
CASE TOOLS being use.
· Beside that it’s need to have a determination of the project scope and analysis of financial
& stakeholders.


· At this stage, we do analysis the system requirement, while doing study such a related
application and function of the PETAKOM OFFICIAL WEBSITE project.
· In addition, at this stage also happen timing & budget constraint process and a building of
the project prototype based on the initiation draft define.


· At this stage, all the system functions will be integrate and be running (execute)
· All the resources and people (workers) are also being coordinate.


· At this stage, some observation on the project execution and project development
progress will be monitor.
· The objective to have this stage is to identify variances from project plan.


· At this stage, all the activities of the development project will be finalized. All the project
activities in each phase need to be settle and completed.
· Documenting all the error, mistakes occurs during the project development.
· This is for a reference to the others project in future.


Company : Pavilion Wonderland Sdn.Bhd

Date : 11 February 2009

Time : 9.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Venue : Skype Conference

Attendees :

1. Phang Shiuh Yaw General Manager

2. Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad Secretary

3. Noor Erfia Farina Binti Dajali Academic Manager

4. Zairie Bin Mat Zain Academic Manager

5. Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Nor IT Manager

6. Mohd Islahuddin bin Mohd Shahrir IT Manager

7. Wan Muhammad Izran bin Wan Muhammad Said Human Resource Manager

8. Anis Amilah Binti Shari Human Resource Manager


  1. Gantt Chart
  2. Others

1. Gantt Chart

The meeting was discussing about the project development progress until week 7. Everyone did mention their own part task progress and still working on it.

Besides that, we also discussed about the duration for activities to be done in a project duration given, hence we did brainstorm the idea and information and then implemented it in the
Gantt chart form using Microsoft project software.

Here are some information regarding the activities occurs inside the Gantt chart diagram:


This project requires 70 days starting from 4/1/2009 until 31/3/2009 to finished up and complete the project development. In addition, there are 5 stages implemented in this project which are as below:


· At this stage, we do a current study and identify the system requirement and decide
CASE TOOLS being use.
· Beside that it’s need to have a determination of the project scope and analysis of financial
& stakeholders.


· At this stage, we do analysis the system requirement, while doing study such a related
application and function of the PETAKOM OFFICIAL WEBSITE project.
· In addition, at this stage also happen timing & budget constraint process and a building of
the project prototype based on the initiation draft define.


· At this stage, all the system functions will be integrate and be running (execute)
· All the resources and people (workers) are also being coordinate.


· At this stage, some observation on the project execution and project development
progress will be monitor.
· The objective to have this stage is to identify variances from project plan.


· At this stage, all the activities of the development project will be finalized. All the project
activities in each phase need to be settle and completed.
· Documenting all the error, mistakes occurs during the project development.
· This is for a reference to the others project in future.

2. Others

There are no issues to be discussed.


All the above task given which have been finish, will be bring forward to the next meeting on week 8 for checking .

Meeting was adjourned at 10.00 pm. Next meeting is scheduled a week from now, i.e. 18 February 2009, same venue and time. All members’ actions are to present their feedback.

Minutes prepared by: Check by:

………………………… ………………………………

( Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad) (Phang Shiuh Yaw)

Secretary General Manager

Posted by Pavilion Sdn. Bhd.

Week 6 Project Progress

Meeting : 4 th February 2008 ( Wednesday), 10.15 p.m - 11.15 p.m

In this week, our group have a discussion for the task of " The Stages In Software Project Management".This discussion was handle by using online conference. All group members have to search information about the stages in software project management from many type of sources such as from internet like wikipedia, journal, blog and others. All the information that have been searched, was collect and combine together. After that, we do analysis and filtering process for the information searched.

Here are some of the information about the Software Project Management and also the defination,process inside SPM, stages in SPM, person involved and possible problems occurs in SPM:

Terms and Defination :

1) Meaning of Software Project Management
  • Software project management is a sub-discipline of project management in which software projects are planned, monitored and controlled.

2) Meaning of Project Management

  • Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives.

3) Meaning of Software Development Process

  • A software development process is concerned primarily with the production aspect of software development, as opposed to the technical aspect. These processes exist primarily for supporting the management of software development, and are generally skewed toward addressing business concerns.

4) Meaning of Risk Management

  • Risk management is the process of measuring or assessing risk and then developing strategies to manage the risk. In general, the strategies employed include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular risk.
  • Traditional risk management, which is discussed here, focuses on risks stemming from physical or legal causes (e.g. natural disasters or fires, accidents, death, and lawsuits).

Project Development Stages:

  • Traditionally, project development includes a number of elements: four to five stages, and a control systems.
  • Regardless of the methodology used, the project development process will have the same major stages:

1) initiation
2) planning or development
3) production or execution
4) monitoring and controlling
5) closing.

1) Initiation Stage

The initiation stage determines the nature and scope of the development. If this stage is not performed well, it is unlikely that the project will be successful in meeting the business’s needs. The key project controls needed here are an understanding of the business environment and making sure that all necessary controls are incorporated into the project. Any deficiencies should be reported and a recommendation should be made to fix them.

The initiation stage should include a cohesive plan that encompasses the following

1) Study analyzing the business needs in measurable goals.
2) Review of the current operations.
3) Conceptual design of the operation of the final product.
4) Equipment and contracting requirements including an assessment of 'long-lead' i
5) Financial analysis of the costs and benefits including a budget.
6) Stakeholder analysis, including users, and support personnel for the project.
7) Project charter including costs, tasks, deliverables, and schedule.

2) Planning and Design Stage

After the initiation stage, the system is designed. Occasionally, a small prototype of the final product is built and tested. Testing is generally performed by a combination of testers and end users, and can occur after the prototype is built or concurrently.

Controls should be in place that ensure that the final product will meet the specifications of the project charter.

The results of the design stage should include a product design that:

1) Satisfies the project sponsor, end user, and business requirements.
2) Functions as it was intended.
3) Can be produced within quality standards.
4) Can be produced within time and budget constraints.

3) Executing Stage

Executing consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project management plan to accomplish the project's requirements. Execution process involves coordinating people and resources, as well as integrating and performing the activities of the project in accordance with the project management plan. The deliverables are produced as outputs from the processes performed as defined in the project management plan.

4) Monitoring & Controlling Stage

Monitoring and Controlling consists of those processes performed to observe project execution so that potential problems can be identified in a timely manner and corrective action can be taken, when necessary, to control the execution of the project. The key benefit is that project performance is observed and measured regularly to identify variances from the project management plan.

5) Closing Stage

Closing includes the formal acceptance of the project and the ending thereof. Administrative activities include the archiving of the files and documenting lessons learned. Closing phase consist of two parts:

1) Close project : to finalize all activities across all of the process groups to formally close the
project or a project phase
2) Contract closure: necessary for completing and settling each contract, including the
resolution of any open items, and closing each contract applicable to the
project or a project phase.


Company : Pavilion Wonderland Sdn.Bhd

Date :4 February 2009

Time : 9.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Venue : Skype Conference

Attendees :

1. Phang Shiuh Yaw General Manager

2. Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad Secretary

3. Noor Erfia Farina Binti Dajali Academic Manager

4. Zairie Bin Mat Zain Academic Manager

5. Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Nor IT Manager

6. Mohd Islahuddin bin Mohd Shahrir IT Manager

7. Wan Muhammad Izran bin Wan Muhammad Said Human Resource Manager

8. Anis Amilah Binti Shari Human Resource Manager


  1. Identified Stages in SPM
  2. Others

1. Identified Stages in SPM

in this week, our group have a discussion for the task of " The Stages In Software Project Management”. This discussion was handling by using online conference. All group members have to search information about the stages in software project management from much type of sources such as from internet like Wikipedia, journal, blog and others. All the information that have been searched, was collect and combine together. After that, we do analysis and filtering process for the information searched.

Here is some of the information about the Software Project Management and also the definition, process inside SPM, stages in SPM, person involved and possible problems occurs in SPM. The detailed of it can be seen on our official blog.

Terms and Definition:

1) Meaning of Software Project Management.

2) Meaning of Project Management

3) Meaning of Software Development Process

4) Meaning of Risk Management

Project Development Stages:

  • Traditionally, project development includes a number of elements: four to five stages, and control systems.
  • Regardless of the methodology used, the project development process will have the same major stages:

1) Initiation
2) Planning or development
3) production or execution
4) monitoring and controlling
5) closing.

2. Others

There are no issues to be discussed.


All the above task given which have been finish, will be bring forward to the next meeting on week 7 for checking .

Meeting was adjourned at 10.00 pm. Next meeting is scheduled a week from now, i.e. 11 February 2009, same venue and time. All members’ actions are to present their feedback.

Minutes prepared by: Check by:

………………………… ………………………………

( Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad) (Phang Shiuh Yaw)

Secretary General Manager

Posted by : Pavilion Sdn. Bhd.

Week 5 Project Progress

In this week 5, there's no meeting was held due to the 1st week holiday for the Chinese New Year Celebration.Progress of the project development still running as usual as we all have been equally divided task in developing this project.Otherwise, during this break team members need to do some task like searching and collecting useful information and data needed to complete this Petakom Website project.

Posted by Pavilion Sdn. Bhd.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Week 4 Project Progress

Hi all,

In this week,our group have a discussion for the project progress.This meeting was a conference online meeting using a skype conference by which all the groups members are met together.The objective of this conference was to discuss about each members job scope as everyone have to update their project progress task given to them.

Pavilion CEO,Project Manager and Chief Developers

Our Secretary and System Analyst

Each of the team members was given a details task according to their position in the project. All the team members was explained about their role and responsibility in the project development.Each person then will repeat and explain again their task and roles about the project development to all members as a final understanding of their task.

Pavilion Developers!

As a conclusion of the session meeting, we have decided several position needed for the project development such as :

1) Project manager
2) System analyst & designer
3) Chif developer
4) Developer
5) Programmer

Pavilion Crews!


Company : Pavilion Wonderland Sdn.Bhd

Date : 25 January 2009

Time : 9.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Venue : Skype Conference

Attendees :

1. Phang Shiuh Yaw General Manager

2. Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad Secretary

3. Noor Erfia Farina Binti Dajali Academic Manager

4. Zairie Bin Mat Zain Academic Manager

5. Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Nor IT Manager

6. Mohd Islahuddin bin Mohd Shahrir IT Manager

7. Wan Muhammad Izran bin Wan Muhammad Said Human Resource Manager

8. Anis Amilah Binti Shari Human Resource Manager


  1. Job Scope
  2. Others

1. Job Scope

In this week, our group has a discussion for the project progress. This meeting was a conference online meeting using a Skype conference by which the entire group’s members are met together. The objective of this conference was to discuss about each members job scope as everyone have to update their project progress task given to them. Each of the team members was given a details task according to their position in the project. All the team members was explained about their role and responsibility in the project development. Each person then will repeat and explain again their task and roles about the project development to all members as a final understanding of their task.

Company Organizational Chart

As a conclusion of the session meeting, we have decided several position needed for the project development such as :

1) Project manager
2) System analyst & designer
3) Chief developer
4) Developer
5) Programmer

2. Others

There are no issues to be discussed.


All the above task given which have been finish, will be bring forward to the next meeting on week 6 for checking since we will have the semester break and Chinese new year on week 5.

Meeting was adjourned at 10.00 pm. Next meeting is scheduled a week from now, i.e. 4 February 2009, same venue and time. All members’ actions are to present their feedback.

Minutes prepared by: Check by:

………………………… ………………………………

( Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad) (Phang Shiuh Yaw)

Secretary General Manager

Lastly, thanks for all the ideas from the team members and also team members cooperation for this conference session. Hope to see you all in the next meeting session.

Kindly to leave a comments.

Posted by Pavilion Sdn. Bhd.