Monday, January 19, 2009

Week 3 Project Progress

Company Organization Chart

Company Profile

In this week 3 meeting, we have disscussing about the organization chart for our own company and also the task distribution according to the position of the person.

In this week also,we have identified and make some analysis about the knowledge on Software Project Management.Below are the example of the knowledge based that we has been identified:

Knowledge Category 1:Principles of Software Project (Mandatory)

Domain Description:

  • Vocabulary, concepts and principles of Software Project Management.
  • Broad overview of the other domains.
  • Major emphasis on the role of the Project Manager from start of a software development project to the conclusion.

Documentation samples might include one of the following:

  • List of activities done by the candidate from beginning to end of a typical project in his/her organization
  • A Project Plan

Knowledge Category 2 :Risk Management

Domain Description:

  • Principles of risk
  • Risk analysis
  • Understanding of the risks that are unique or emphasized in software projects
  • How to quantify risks
  • Tradeoffs associated with emphasizing one software characteristic versus another
  • Internal Control & Security.

Documentation samples might include one of the following:

  • Sample of a completed risk assessment used by the candidate on a project and the risk management plan that accompanies it.
  • Security Plan.

Knowledge Category 3 :People Management (includes Communications)

Domain Description:

  • An understanding of how to man a software development project.
  • How to train individuals in the skills needed for software development.
  • All human resource issues associated with managing a project.
  • Customer Liaison.
  • Communication.
  • Teams, Groups, Leadership, Role of Senior Management.
  • Negotiation.
  • Processes used to interact with customers/users throughout the software development lifecycle - knowledge of how to assess customer attitudes about development, including concepts such as customer surveys, focus groups, assessment questionnaires, and how to assist customers in the acceptance testing aspects of software development. Emphasis is on service level agreements or equivalent. Procurement Management.
  • Internal Control & Security.

Documentation samples might include one of the following:

  • Sample of a resource/staffing chart prepared by the candidate that was used to assign personnel to a project.
  • Sample of plans to train the assigned team.
  • Sample plans of communication with the customer.
  • Sample plans of internal communication.
  • Plan to resolve customer requests.
  • May include actual customer surveys, assessment reports, and questionnaires.
  • Security Plan.

Knowledge Category 4 :Schedule and Budget Management

Domain Description:

  • Principles on how to create a software project budget and schedule using either manual processes or automated packages.
  • Associated Techniques such as critical path, resource lending and re-calibration when changes are made to the project plan resources, budget, schedule and/or risk.
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  • Estimation – FPA and other methods Cost & Budget Management.

Documentation Example:

  • Sample of an MS Project Plan, or other S/W PM tool output or manual GANT charts, prepared by the candidate which includes how resources were allocated to a project.
  • How budget and/or schedule changes were compensated in the on-going plan.

Knowledge Category 5 :Project Control

Domain Description:

  • Relationship of control to risk.
  • Types of control that can be incorporated into project management (i.e., preventative, detective, and corrective).
  • Understanding of the principles of quality control.
  • How quality control is used throughout the project to assure the processes are utilized correctly, the entrance and exit criteria are correct, and that problems are identified early in the process.
  • Status reporting.
  • Scope management.
  • Change control plan

Documentation samples might include one of the following:

  • Software Quality Plan detailing a project's critical success factors and how the Project Manager intended to ensure the project quality. This is not the same as a RM plan, but the two may be combined into one document.
  • Document addressing changes

Knowledge Category 6 :Business Requirements

Domain Description:

  • How requirements are defined,
  • Attributes of a good requirement.
  • Processes that can be used to define good requirements like - Joint Application Development (JAD).
  • Change management.
  • How to trace requirements throughout the software development effort using techniques such as Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

Documentation samples might include one of the following:

  • A representative sample (no more than 10 pages) of a requirements document actually used on a project that was managed by the candidate and the accompanying test plans (no more than 5 pages each) demonstrating traceability from requirements to end product.
  • Clearly define which techniques were used (JAD,QFD, Other).

Knowledge Category 7:Status Reporting and Measurement

Domain Description:

  • Principles of measurement and how they apply to managing a software development project.
  • How to develop reports that indicate the status of development of a software project (e.g., what percent of the project has been completed versus what percent of the time has been expended).
  • Familiarity with measurement concepts such as key indicators and project management dashboards.
  • What was measured in the project.
  • Managing the status of the project time.

Documentation samples might include one of the following:

  • Sample status report and/or measurement report that indicates what measures were being tracked and the degree to which the project met/is meeting its measurement objectives. These measures could be related to the critical success factors, budget schedule and / or resources.
  • May be accompanied by samples of a project management dashboard if one was developed for the project.

Knowledge Category 8 :Software Development Processes

Domain Description:

  • Understanding of how processes are developed and improved, including the components of a process which are policy, standards, procedures (i.e., do and check procedures), and guidelines.
  • Understanding of the importance of entrance and exit criteria at each stage of software development.
  • Types of software development processes (e.g., waterfall and spiral development processes).
  • Understanding of the major phases of software development.
  • Types of deliverables produced during each phase, and the objective of each deliverable.
  • Prototyping.

Documentation samples might include one of the following:

  • A document detailing the type of SDLC undertaken, how the project will be developed, tested, and delivered.
  • Any alternative development methods that were proposed by the Project Manager.
  • May also include process flows, ER Diagrams, cases or context diagrams developed for the project.


Company : Pavilion Wonderland Sdn.Bhd

Date : 18 January 2009

Time : 9.00 pm – 10.00 pm

Venue : in front of BPA Office

Attendees :

1. Phang Shiuh Yaw General Manager

2. Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad Secretary

3. Noor Erfia Farina Binti Dajali Academic Manager

4. Zairie Bin Mat Zain Academic Manager

5. Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Nor IT Manager

6. Mohd Islahuddin bin Mohd Shahrir IT Manager

7. Wan Muhammad Izran bin Wan Muhammad Said Human Resource Manager

8. Anis Amilah Binti Shari Human Resource Manager


  1. Organization chart
  2. Knowledge in SPM

1. Organization Chart

In this week 3 meeting, we have discussing about the organization chart for our own company and also the task distribution according to the position of the person. The company organizational chart and company profile can be seen as below

Company Organizational Chart

Company Profile

2. Knowledge in SPM

In this week also, we have identified and make some analysis about the knowledge on Software Project Management. Below are the example of the knowledge based that we has been identified and for the detailed each knowledge can be refer to our official blog.

  1. Knowledge Category 1:Principles of Software Project (Mandatory)
  2. Knowledge Category 2 :Risk Management
  3. Knowledge Category 3 :People Management (includes Communications)
  4. Knowledge Category 4 :Schedule and Budget Management
  5. Knowledge Category 5 :Project Control
  6. Knowledge Category 6 :Business Requirements
  7. Knowledge Category 7:Status Reporting and Measurement
  8. Knowledge Category 8 :Software Development Processes


All the above task given which have been finish, will be bring forward to the next meeting on week 4 for checking.

Meeting was adjourned at 10.00 pm. Next meeting is scheduled a week from now, i.e. 25 January 2009, same venue and time. All members’ actions are to present their feedback.

Minutes prepared by: Check by:

………………………… ………………………………

( Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad) (Phang Shiuh Yaw)

Secretary General Manager

Posted by Pavilion Sdn. Bhd.

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