Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 10 Project Progress

Hi all . . . how are you?

For this week, we have our last meeting. The meeting was held at Skype Conference. It is because there is a certain things that must been reminded to all members of Pavilion Wonderland Sdn. Bhd..In this meeting,we has been discussed about the final report that will be submitted n Friday, about peer to peer form that must be filling by each members and others topic that are related with SPM and our project.

For the final report part, each member will show their finished task to the secretary for compilation. The task are needed to be submitted early because it will the compilation process become easier. Besides that, Each member will pass up the peer to peer form to our leader, Mr. Ah Yaw. Then Mr. Ah Yaw will pass it to the lecturer. The peer to peer form must be filling till week 10. Any late submission will not be accept by lecturer.

The other topic that has been discussed is about the Seminar on Current Issues in ICT.That seminar will be held this weekend. The problem is,2 of our group members are unable to attend that seminar because they have a Softskills 2 program. That program are clashed with the seminar
By then, a proper discussion has been made with our beloved lecter Mr.
ADZHAR BIN KAMALUDIN and the result is that 2 members has been given an exception for attending the seminar.

Minutes Meeting on week 10

Company : Pavilion Wonderland

Date : 1 March 2009

Time : 8.30 pm – 9.30 pm

Venue : Skype Conference

Attendees :

1. Phang Shiuh Yaw General Manager

2. Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad Secretary

3. Noor Erfia Farina Binti Dajali Academic Manager

4. Zairie Bin Mat Zain Academic Manager

5. Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Nor IT Manager

6. Mohd Islahuddin bin Mohd Shahrir IT Manager

7. Wan Muhammad Izran bin Wan Muhammad Said Human Resource Manager


  1. Final report
  2. Peer to Peer
  3. Others

1. Final report

For this part, each member will show their finished task to the secretary for compilation. The task are needed to be submitted early because it will the compilation process become easier.

2. Other Issues

Each member will pass up the peer to peer form to our leader, Mr. Ah Yaw. Then Mr. Ah Yaw will pass it to the lecturer. The peer to peer form must be filling till week 10. Any late submission will not be accept by lecturer


Meeting was adjourned at 9.30 pm.. All members’ actions are to present their feedback.

Minutes prepared by: Check by:

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( Wan Nazirah Wan Mohamad) (Phang Shiuh Yaw)

Secretary General Manager

Kindly to leave a comments.

Posted by Pavilion Sdn. Bhd